Archive 2004 |
Boycott Watch Archive pages: 2015 ,2014 ,2013 ,2012,2011,
2002 |
Thursday, December 23,
2004 Alison Transport Settles Allegations Of Antiboycott
Violations |
Wednesday, December 22,
2004 Somerville, Mass. Rejects
Divestment / Boycott Campaign
Click Here for the JTA Story |
Wednesday, December 1,
2004 Why Target banned the Salvation
Army - The story behind the story
Click Here for
more information |
Say Thank You To Our
Troops People sometimes say they support our troops, but just
use words - Join Boycott Watch in our effort to show support by sending
soldiers our thanks.
Click Here to
learn how. |
Sunday, October 10,
2004 US Soldiers Thank Starbucks For
Their Coffee Donation - Set Up Mini Starbucks Store in
Click Here for more
information |
Thursday, October 7,
2004 Breaking a myth: McDonald's does
not support terrorists
Click Here for more
information |
Wednesday, October 6,
2004 Email Falsely Quotes Quran Verse
9:11 To Justify The World Trade Center Attack
Click Here for
more information |
BW |
Wednesday, October 6,
2004 Boycott Watch to Duke
University: Do You Stand With Us, Or The Terrorists?
Click Here for more
information |
Monday, October 4,
2004 Arab Bank Settles Charges of
Antiboycott Violations
Click Here for more
information |
Monday, October 4,
2004 St. Jude Medical Export GmbH
Settles Charges of Antiboycott Violations
Click Here for more
information |
Sunday, October 3,
2004 Breaking a Myth: Starbucks: 9/11
and free products
Click Here for more
information |
Say Thank You To Our
Troops People sometimes say they support our troops, but just
use words - Join Boycott Watch in our effort to show support by sending
soldiers our thanks.
Click Here to
learn how. |
Thursday, September 23,
2004 Israel National News: Arab
Boycott Of Israel Is Weakening
Click Here for more
information |
Tuesday, September 21,
2004 Breaking a coffee rumor -
Starbucks does in fact support our troops, and they can prove it! An
email is circulating that claims Starbucks is against the war-on-terror and is
against supporting our troops. Boycott Watch looked into the claim and
discovered that the author of the email made an error and apologized for it,
yet the erroneous email lives on.
Click Here to read
the article |
Op-Ed |
Sunday , August 29,
2004 Bush and Kerry are both wrong:
527's are democracy in action.
Click Here to read the
Op-Ed |
Friday , August 13,
2004 Body Shop Stores Presents Cash
Award To Advocates Of The Destruction Of Israel, Evoking a Global Boycott
An advocate of boycotts and corporate responsibility is now feeling the heat
for their own actions. Click Here for
the Boycott Watch article |
Thursday , August 12,
2004 Boycott Watch to Duke
University: Don't Host Palestinian Hate Fest That Promotes Illegal
Boycotts. Boycott Watch warns that a Palestinian Conference scheduled for
the Duke Campus is not what it is promoted as.
Click Here for more
information |
Wednesday , August 11,
2004 Is email being used as a
political tactic in a presidential race? A new email criticizing Bush is so
well researched and constructed that it may have actually originated in a
campaign headquarters.
Click Here for more
information |
Tuesday , August 10,
2004 Boycott Watch: Bush and the
feces speech - It never happened - Boycott Watch busts another falsehood.
Don't believe everything you read, especially when if it was real, it would
have been a major news story.
Click Here for more
information |
Monday, August 9, 2004
Cybercast News Service report - EU Labeling of Israeli
Products Described As Anti-Semitic Boycott: Political discrimination based
on rising anti-Semitism in Europe is on the rise.
Click Here to read the CNS article |
Help! |
Friday, July 23, 2004
Help Save A Life: An email is circulating
requesting help in saving a life - BW confirmed the emails validity and how you
can help. Click Here to learn
more |
Wednesday, July 14,
2004 Israeli Bullets Boycotted In War
on Terror - Why is this bullet different from every other
bullet? Click Here to learn
more |
Tuesday, July 13, 2004
Boycott Heinz Products? The political
season is in full bloom Click Here to learn
more |
Monday, June 28, 2004
World Net Daily: Boycott Chinese fireworks
Would you intentionally buy products made with slave labor to celebrate
freedom? Click Here
to learn more |
Friday, June 25, 2004
Congressman Jack Kingston Outraged that French Company
holds Lucrative DoD Contract to Feed U.S. Marines Boycott Watch
readers sent us the information after we called for help. Click Here to learn
more |
Friday, June 11, 2004
New Twist to French Boycott - Boycott Watch readers
find the answer! Boycott Watch asked our readers about a report
of a military contract to a French company to feed our Marines - Boycot Watch
readers found it to be true. Click Here to learn
more |
Take The Boycott Watch
Gasoline Survey Let us know what you think -
Click Here to take
the survey |
Sunday, June 6, 2004
Chirac: Thanks to everyone, except Jews.
French President Chirac snubs Jews and shows bias in his 60th anniversary
of D-Day speech Click Here to learn
more |
Monday, May 24, 2004
Gasoline and Taxes: Send a Message How
much of your gas expense goes to taxes? -
Click Here to learn
more |
Wenesday, May 20, 2004
Breaking A Myth: What Did Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Actually Say About Anti-Zionism And Anti-Semitism? The idea
accurately portrays the opinion of Dr. King, but the speech as quoted is a
forgery. - Click Here to
learn more |
Wenesday, May 19, 2004
Boycott Watch Responds To Political Request By An Arab
Organization To Redefine Anti-Semitism And Jews. Should
organizations request dictionary changes for political reasons? -
Click Here to
learn more |
Friday, May 14, 2004
Will a One Day Boycott of Gas Stations have any
effect? Do these boycotts have any real effect? Boycott Watch
contacted the American Petroleum Institute to get some answers -
Click Here to learn
more |
Friday, May 14, 2004
Foreign Subsidiary of Texas Company Settles Charges of
Antiboycott Violations A Manufacturer has agreed to pay a
$24,500 civil penalty.
Click Here to
learn more |
Friday, April 30, 2004
Fox News Host Bill O'Reilly Calls For a Boycott of
Canada What is your reaction to Canada granting political asylum
to the two US Army deserters? -
Click Here to
learn more |
Wednesday, April 19,
2004 Google.com Search for the word
'Jew' brings up an anti-Semitic web site - Will a petition affect search engine
results? Google responds -
Click Here to learn
more |
Wednesday, April 14,
2004 Dept Of Commerce: Maryland
Company Settles Charges of Antiboycott Violations Invitrogen
agreed to a $2,000 civil penalty to settle allegations of violations of US
antiboycott provisions of the Export Administration
Regulations. Click Here to learn
more |
Tuesday, March 30,
2004 Frivolous antitrust lawsuit
filed against a boycotter Is the plaintiff actually doing what
they falsely accuse others of? Click Here to
learn more |
Monday, March 22, 2004
Boycott of Gillette products is based on misleading
assumptions and unfounded conclusions Click Here to learn
more |
Monday, March 22, 2004
Busting a myth: Israel did not photograph the Columbia
Space Shuttle exploding Click Here to learn
more |
Thursday, March 11,
2004 Confirmed: International Olympic
Committee Shows Bias Against Israel Can
the International Olympic Committee accomplish its true goals while fostering
bias? Click Here to learn
more |
Monday, March 8, 2004
Muslim groups boycotts Muslim speaker and calls for a
Hate-Crime investigation because they don't agree with the views of a fellow
Muslim Not agreeing with a speaker
doesn't make his stance a hate-crime. Click Here to learn
more |
Updated Thursday, March 4, 2004
Boycotting the French - Part 4
in a series Who's
boycotting what, and what's not really French, or is it? The Boycott
Watch list of French boycotts. |
Friday, February 13,
2004 Ohio Gun Concealed Cary Law Has
Gun Owners and Newspaper Up In Arms. Is
an Ohio newspaper violating journalistic standards by making itself part of the
story in fighting the Ohio firearms concealed carry law? Click Here to learn
more |
Wednesday, January 28,
2004 Nike Shoe Ad - More Than a Sick
Joke An email is circulation with a
blood covered Nike shoe and a two Jews in Israel in the background cleaning up
a suicide bombing scene. The ad text is: "You may not survive the blast, but
your show will." The ad is an obvious fake, but there is more to it than just a
sick joke. Click Here for the
details |
Monday, January 26,
2004 Abortion Clinic Construction
Boycott Results In Contractor Changes
Mid-Project Click Here for the
details |
Monday, January 12,
2004 UFCW boycotts Safeway
supermarkets in California as part of a strike Boycott may violate union contract Click Here to find
out |