News Archive
2011 |
Boycott Watch Archive
pages: 2015 ,2014 ,2013 ,2012,2011,
2002 |
Wednesday, December 14,
2011 Facebook Apps Developer Zynga Acknowledges Privacy Problems
in IPO, Doesn't Tell App Users Summary: Boycott Watch
examines what Zynga (ZNGA) says about Facebook security, yet won't tell the
people who trust them with their privacy. |
Monday, December 12, 2011
Facebook Apps Database Helps Identity Theft and
Terrorists Summary: Boycott Watch: Say No Facebook
applications which gather unnecessary information about you, can use it against
you, your family and friends. |
\Friday, December 9, 2011
Facebook App Violates Privacy by Demanding & Releasing
Personal Information About You & Others To Third Parties
Summary: You do not have to allow businesses to sell send you spam emails,
nor should you have your personal information and information about your
friends sold to others without the explicit permission of everyone affected.
Thursday, December 8,
2011 Fake DEA Agents Scamming Consumers
Summary: US Department of Justice warns consumers, Boycott Watch chides DEA for
not dating press release, questioning its validity. |
Thursday, December 1,
2011 Loopholes Nullify Arab League Sanction Against Syria - Arab
Boycott of Israel is the Key Summary: Boycott Watch reveals
why it beat the WSJ to reporting the Syrian sanctions are meaningless. |
Wednesday, November 30,
2011 What's in your Beef? Summary: Boycott
Watch asks questions to professional butchers / meat cutters and the answers
may surprise you. |
Tuesday, November 29,
2011 More Evidence Arab League Sanction against Syria is a Farce
Summary: Boycott Watch exposes the truth behind the Arab
League's Syria PR game. |
Thursday, Thanksgiving Day,
November 24, 2011 Rite-Aid Strike & Boycott Ends - Union Lost, Just as
Boycott Watch Predicted Summary: Boycott Watch hopes you
have a better and brighter Thanksgiving. |
Tuesday, November 15,
2011 Israeli 'bomb detonation' airport scanner claim is a
hoax Summary: It's a farce email, but false information is
never harmless. |
Monday, November 14, 2011
Arab League Suspension of Syria is a Farce
Summary: It's all about the boycott. |
Thursday, October 27,
2011 U.S. Department
of Commerce - Anti-Boycott Violation Press Release Thursday, October 27,
2011 |
Friday, August 19, 2011
US Dept of Energy Awards $1.5M to $2.6B Goodyear for Doing
Nothing Summary: The US Government throws away more of your
hard working dollars. |
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Boycott Watch to FTC: Block Google Purchase of Motorola
Mobility Summary: Boycott Watch believes the Google
purchase of Motorola Mobility is not in the best interests of consumers, writes
Federal Trade Commission. |
Thursday, August 11, 2011
US Dept of Energy Awards $10M to a $20B Foreign Company for
Doing Nothing Summary: The US Government throws away more
of your hard working dollars. |
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Another American woman missing in Aruba
Summary: Aruba is still not safe for Americans, or anyone for that matter, and
the disappearance of Robyn Gardner proves it again. Boycott Watch puts Aruba on
notice. |
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
U.S. Department of
Commerce - Anti-Boycott Violation Press Release Wednesday, July 20,
2011 |
Monday, July 4, 2011
We The People - Happy 235th Birthday America!
Summary: Why is America Special? In a word, the Patent! |
Friday, June 24, 2011
Blatantly Bad Reporting and False Information Spark Delta
Airlines Boycott Summary: World Net Daily claims exclusive,
making them exclusively responsible for damage to Delta Airlines - Boycott
Watch corrects the records. |
Friday, June 24, 2011
"Shark Tank" Jumps The Shark Summary:
More quality television programming bites the dust |
Friday, June 24, 2011
Israel Boycott Backfires, Hurts Scotch Whiskey
Makers Summary: Boycotting may feel good to some, but it's
not always smart. |
Monday, May 30, 2011
Op-Ed: Obama Stepped Into It Summary:
President Obama adopted the Saudi Arabian plan to destroy Israel. |
Friday, April 8, 2011
Op-Ed: Goldstone's Other Secret Summary:
Goldstone retracted his report, but there is far more to the story, and Fred
Taub reveals it in the new book, Boycotting Peace. |
Friday, April 1, 2011
Op-Ed: Walking with Evil: Obama Cozy's with the Arab
League Summary: The media has been mentioning the Arab
League with reports about Libya, but what exactly is the Arab League? |
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
American Express Beat Back Israel Boycotters
Summary: Once notified Israel was removed from their website, Amex took
swift action to fix what a rogue employee did without authorization - a lesson
for management. |
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Boycott Watch - Rite Aid Pharmacy Employees Strike, Boycott
Themselves By telling your customers to shop elsewhere, you
are eliminating the need for your own job. |
Friday, February 4, 2011
Op-Ed: Riots in Egypt, the Media and the Arab Boycott of
Israel With the world's eyes on Egypt and protests spreading
throughout the Arab world, the safety of.... |
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