Boycott Watch
Friday, August 03, 2007
Minneapolis 35W Bridge Collapse and the Consumer
Editorial by Fred Taub,
President, Boycott Watch

    This is in no way meant as stock or investment advice, and this is in no way meant as a minimization of the tragedy, but there is a hidden consumer impact resulting from the recent bridge collapse in Minneapolis, at least in our eyes. Wit all the calls to reinforce bridges nationally with heavy steel, there will be much engineering work because you just can't slap steel to a bridge without engineering where the load weight will shift and how the extra weight will affect the bridge itself. Once these studies are completed, there will surely be an increased demand for structural steel, thus the already profitable steel industry will rocket.

    So, with the expected increased demand for steel, prices will go up and both steel producers and processors will become more profitable and therefore probably make more money for shareholders. We are not stock prognosticators, nor investment advisors, nor are we making any such predictions about any company, but from a consumer standpoint, the steel industry will probably see a boost thus it should be a good investment.

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