When Boycott Watch reported the
First Islamic Bank of Bahrain's purchase of Caribou Coffee in May of 2000, we
reported that Dr. Yusuf Al-Qaradawi, who has admitted links to terrorist
groups, was the First Islamic Bank of Bahrain's key person in the deal to
purchase Caribou Coffee from its founders, and was listed in the original press
release on the banks' website, and we reported how his name was subsequently
removed from the website announcement by the First Islamic Bank of Bahrain
after Boycott Watch published our initial report (http://www.boycottwatch.org/caribou
) showing the direct links of Dr. Yusuf Al-Qaradawi to terrorist groups.
Boycott Watch believed then, and we still believe
now, that Dr. Yusuf Al-Qaradawi's name was removed for public relations
reasons. Caribou wanted to downplay any connection to terrorist supporters and
groups by its parent company during a time when terrorism was viewed as
Israel's problem only. Since that time, the US has endured the attacks on
September 11th, 2001 and the world has unfortunately not seen the end of
Islamist terrorism. The civilized world is now in a global war against
terrorism of which Dr. Yusuf Al-Qaradawi is a player.
After his name was removed from the First Islamic
Bank of Bahrain website, Boycott Watch was told by Caribou officials that Dr.
Yusuf Al-Qaradawi was "just a consultant" who put the deal together, which
contradicted what was originally posted on the First Islamic Bank of Bahrain's
website. Boycott Watch believes what was originally published on the banks
website, which stated that Dr. Yusuf Al-Qaradawi was the principal of the deal,
i.e. partner, thus he not only made money on the original deal, but continues
to profit from Caribou Coffee sales.
A simple Google
search of Dr. Yusuf Al-Qaradawi reveals his hate messages:
his own
words, Dr Yusuf al-Qaradawi supports:
- The killing of homosexuals to keep society
- The killing of apostates - those who have rejected
- The killing of all Israelis - including
- The mutilation of women's genitals
On July 7, 2004, The British
Broadcasting Company (BBC)'s "BBC TWO's Newsnight" reported this:
"Controvesial cleric Dr. Yusuf Al-Qaradawi, in an exclusive interview for
Newsnight (BBC TWO, Wednesday 7 July at 10.30pm), claims that Islam justifies
suicide bombings."
"Speaking in an interview on
whether the Koran justified suicide bombings conducted just weeks prior to his
arrival in Britain Al-Qaradawi tells Newsnight: "Israeli women are not like
women in our society because Israeli women are militarized."
"Secondly I consider this type of martyrdom
operation as an indication of the justice of Allah Almighty. Allah is just -
through his infinite wisdom he has given the weak what the strong do not
possess and that is the ability to turn their bodies into bombs like the
Palestinians do." (See:
The occurrence of the BBC
interview of Dr. Yusuf Al-Qaradawi may not be a coincidence. Arcapita's
website, Arcapita.com, lists offices in Bahrain, Atlanta, and, guess
..yes, London. Is this a coincidence? Not really. The BBC also
reported "Al-Qaradawi, the spiritual leader of the Muslim Brotherhood
organization (a.k.a Hamas which went on to form Al-Quada by many accounts)
arrived in London on Monday the Muslim Association of Britain (MAB) said. He is
due to attend a series of events during his week-long visit." These events
could very well be business meetings with the First Islamic Bank of Bahrain and
its officials in London since they have an office in that city.
Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia, states:
"Qaradawi is controversial: among Muslims he is widely considered a moderate
conservative, while many Western critics regard him as dangerously radical or
as a supporter of violence."
Dr. Yusuf
al-Qaradawi is clearly not a 'moderate conservative', and those who use that
term to describe Dr. Yusuf al-Qaradawi are clearly trying to cover up this
Islamic cleric and his terrorist ties, despite his own words. In fact, calling
Dr. Yusuf al-Qaradawi a 'moderate conservative' casts a shadow on all Muslims
termed a 'moderate conservative' because Dr. Yusuf al-Qaradawi clearly espouses
hate and supports suicide bombings, which is hardly a 'moderate conservative'
position. Dr. Yusuf al-Qaradawi is a self-described terrorist and terror
More Cover-up: The First Islam Bank of
Bahrain changed its name to Arcapita, most likely to hide its Islamic ties. For
those who will say it is not a religious company, the Atlanta Journal
Constitution documented the name change in an
article that
showed Islamic Shari'ah law is the central core theme of the company. The name
change was clearly designed to hide the Islamic nature of the bank. Although no
pork products are in any Caribou Coffee stores, the Islamic Shari'ah law
observance, which among other things discriminates against women, is not
mentioned whatsoever on their website, www.cariboucoffee.com, which is
therefore hiding the Shari'ah law observance.
Dr. Yusuf al-Qaradawis self-declared support for suicide bombers exposed, and
knowing he garners profit from Caribou Coffee, it is not a stretch to conclude
that profits from Caribou Coffee are most likely used to support terrorism an
especially suicide bombings of innocent civilians, which Dr. Yusuf al-Qaradawis
promotes in his own words. The sudden removal of his name can not be linked to
selling of shares, as no such announcement has ever been made; rather his
ownership level appears to be masked.
Some of the
most well-known companies currently owned by Arcapita are include Caribou
Coffee, Church's Fried Chicken, Elysain (Chicago high rise), Leohmann's stores,
TLC health Care, UBS Financial, and WorkingRx. A list of companies owned by
Arcapita is available at: www.arcapita.com |
Other Boycott Watch articles on this topic:
Recent Atlanta Journal Constitution article about Caribou Coffee
mentioning Boycott Watch: http://www.boycottwatch.org/caribou/caribou02.htm
Boycott Watchs May 2000 article that first reported the
terrorist ties of Caribou Coffee to the First Islamic bank of Bahrain, now
known as Arcapita. http://www.boycottwatch.org/caribou
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