With all the fervor about the
Arizona boycotts over immigration, the last thing Arizona or any state for that
matter needs is an expansion of any boycott of any state by any state,
regardless of politics. One of the founding principals of this great nations'
name, the United States, is to be united. The Federal government should
therefore be working to maintain a balance between states and to promote the
general prosperity of the nation, not take sides in a battle which divides
states. Despite that, the Obama administration plan to take Arizona to court
over that states immigration law has a side affect - it strengthens boycott
calls against Arizona which is harmful to the United State.
Boycott Watch was first to point
out this is the first
time states have boycotted states since Lincoln was President and how
dangerous that is to the nation. When one politically elected body tries to
impose their values and principals on a completely separate elected body, it is
not taxation without representation, but representation without responsibility.
Individual political subdivisions, be it a state or local library board, is
only answerable to its own constituents, not the constituents of any other
political entity and therefore should not impose upon any other electorate.
Unfortunately, we are seeing a
Federal push to divide this great nation by essentially justifying the
underlying reason for the Arizona boycott call. And since not everyone in
Arizona is in favor of the law, it amounts to the Obama administration
advocating collective punishment of Arizona, a violation of basic human rights
which is protected internationally under the Geneva Conventions.
Fred Taub, President of Boycott
Watch said "It does not matter if you are in favor of or against the Arizona
immigration law, or whatever you want to call it. No President should be
working to divide any group or state. Boycotts are great consumer tools, but
this boycott is being abused to create rifts within America. We are Americans
first and must remember that freedom of speech includes the respect for the
freedom of speech of others. These boycotts are meant to intimidate voters and
silence free speech, and that is un-American. I call upon President Obama to
end division in America and make direct statements against boycotting Arizona."
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