While many web
sites promote boycotts, few try to thinly disguise their actual intent. One web
site in particular, BoycottUSA.org, promotes the boycott of US products in
recognition of the "Victims of US Agression in Iraq" (their spelling, not
ours), yet their boycotting target is not the USA
The British based web site posts a grotesque
version of the US flag featuring TV network logos instead of the stars, but the
main target of the boycott is actually Israel. All companies listed as boycott
targets on that site are explicitly listed and explained on the web site to be
companies that either do business with or in Israel, or companies whose
corporate leadership personally support Israel, pointing them out the
"zionists" with a small 'z.'
The web site is an
Islamic based religious site. Naturally we do not think that all Muslims agree
with the ideals in the web site, but it is important to note that Islam is
central theme as explained in the 'Why Boycott' section. And yes, we would
report religious affiliation of any boycott site if religious belief is the
explicit basis for the boycott, as it is in this
The web site also claims that media photographs,
such as cover photos of magazines showing Iraqis thanking the US armed forces
for liberating Iraq, are all doctored photos. The web site also claims that the
US used weapons of mass destructions against the Iraqi and Afghan people, yet
the photos are actually stock photos of carrier-based aircraft loading standard
In essence, the web site is nothing more
than a Pro-radical Islam propaganda web site that is using hatred of the USA as
a vehicle only to boycott companies that have ties to Israel, while claiming to
be a site boycotting US companies in general.
thinly disguised motives are clearly visible, in spite of the web author's
attempts to mask their hatred. The site is a lesson for boycotters - tell the
truth about what you are boycotting because the readers will see through
attempted masked veils, and you loose credibility when you try to be
sneaky. |
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