It was a beautiful US Independence
Day Celebration on the fourth of July, and I was celebrating this great
country's independence, waiting for the fireworks show to start when I
overheard two high school girls talking while standing in line. It is not that
I was eavesdropping, but one comment caught my immediate attention. One girl
said "Interdependence day," a statement got my immediate attention, as well as
confusion. Could I have just heard a politically correct version of
Independence Day? Did I hear that right?
The girl's
friend asked the obvious question: "What is Interdependence Day?" to which was
replied "In school, we have to celebrate that the Saturday before Independence
Day." That was all I heard, but it was enough to make me curious, so I looked
into this new holiday and what it meant.
While the
apparent official
website calls it a "mission is to challenge the direction of the world's
current choices to wage war, litigate or avoid conflict," Interdependence Day
is actually celebrated very differently and attracts people who have the intent
to celebrate anything but America's independence.
example of this can be found in an article on the
Inside Bay Area website which states "Further, a
mind-boggling amount of money is dedicated to our country's defense, while
living and breathing people are in need of adequate education, a living wage
and healthy food. So this year, as the Fourth of July approaches, I propose we
celebrate Interdependence Day rather than Independence Day."
Whether by design or not, the Interdependence Day
concept is being used as a way to replace the celebration of America's
Independence Day. This day floats on the calendar. While celebrated just days
before Independence day as a way to minimize this great country's independence,
it is now listed as celebrated on September 12th, no doubt to also curtail the
memorials of the horrors we suffered on September 11th, 2001 when people bent
on destroying this great nation flew planes into the World Trade Center, the
Pentagon, and the fourth plane that was bravely brought down by Americans who
refused to be used as weapon against other Americans.
Interdependence Day is the boycotting of the
celebration of freedom and all things that makes this country great. |
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