Boycott Watch
Bill O'Reilly Launches Pepsi Boycott
Update: February 18, 2003
   The Pepsi Boycott is over. According to a Pepsico spokesman, Pepsi is setting up a 6-person steering committee comprised of 2 people from the Hip-Hop Action Network, 1 person from the Ludacris Foundation, and 3 people from Pepsico. Pepsi will administer the $1Million fund dedicated helping children. The money will be disbursed to several charities in multiple cities, and several organizations in each city upon unanimous consent of all members of the committee.
UPDATE February 6, 2003 - Ludacris fans strike back with a counter boycott - Pepsi is in the middle.
UPDATE February 5, 2003 - On Fox News Channel's "The O'Reilly Factor," host Bill O'Reilly today claimed he did not boycott Pepsi. Boycott Watch responded with the following letter to Mr. O'Reilly:
Mr. O’reilly,

Even if you did not use the word 'boycott,’ by declaring your intention 'not to do business with' and encouraging your viewers to do the same, you declared a boycott by definition. Your boycott worked. Pepsi changed their policy within 24 hours.

Fred Taub - Cleveland, Ohio
Executive Director,
Boycott Watch
UPDATE August 28, 2002 - Pepsi canceled plans to feature rapper Ludacris as spokesperson after Fox News commentator Bill O'Reilly declares a boycott. - Boycott worked in less than 24 hours.
   According to The O'Reilly Factor, Pepsi was inundated with thousands of phone calls from irate Factor viewers regarding the Ludacris ads. As a result, Pepsi announced they would not air the ads.
BW Comment: Boycotts work.
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   August 27, 2002 - Fox News Channel commentator and host of The O'Reilly Factor urges people to boycott Pepsi after decided to run commercials featuring rapper Ludacris. The boycott is based on Pepsi hiring a spokesman who is "peddling antisocial behavior" according to O'Reilly.
   On The O'Reilly Factor, Bill O'Reilly played an on air conversation with Bart Casabona, a Pepsi Public Relations spokesman.
   In the conversation, O'Reilly said: "Pepsi-Cola's made gazillions of dollars in America but apparently feels it has no responsibility to further the public good. This guy Ludacris is harmless to mature adults, but not to impressionable children that lack parental guidance.
   "Obviously Pepsi could not care less about those children, because they're promoting a man that espouses violence, degrading sex, and substance abuse.
   "So here's the deal, Pepsi. You want to cultivate Ludacris? Fine. I'm drinking Coke. I'm sending you a message. I don't like your choice of pitchmen, so Dr. Pepper is now on my menu."
   In the conversation, Casabona denied that any lewd or degrading music by Ludacris has any effect on Pepsi since Ludacris was representing fun in the Pepsi ads, but did not deny that Ludacris's lyrics were controversial at best.
   Boycott Watch will submit requests for comments to Pepsi and O'Reilly. The full responses will be posted here.
Click here to read the article and interview on the Fox News Channel web site
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