Thursday, November 20, 2008, Greta
Van Susteren of Fox News announced that she will air an interview with Joran
Van Der Sloot Monday November 24th, the content of which she offered to reveal
to Hans Mos, the Prosecutor in Aruba, in advance. Mos, however, immediately
reacted by saying there is no new evidence, showing complete disinterest in any
possible confession or revelation in the case of Natelee Holloway, who went
missing more than two years ago.
On her show, Greta
asked why Mos was not interested in any possible new evidence, which is a good
question. In response, Boycott Watch President Fred Taub sent a memo to Greta
reminding her that every time the Natalee Holloway disappearance case is in the
news, Aruba's economy is hit hard, the subject of which Fred Taub appeared on
Your World with Neil Cavuto, also on the Fox News Channel, three times (See:
and here ).
In our reports and in interviews on the Fox news
Channel, Boycott Watch exposed how Aruba lied on their tourism numbers,
claiming at first that tourism was up because, as they claimed, "everyone now
knows about Aruba" when in fact, both the Central Bank of Aruba and Caribbean
tourism numbers both indicated a sharp drop in tourism and revenue. Aruba first
denied our reports, but later admitted Boycott Watch was right all along.
At one point, Boycott Watch was contact via email by
someone who claimed to be a taxi driver in Aruba, but the information he had
revealed that he was actually an Aruban tourism official. The so called taxi
driver first reported, unsolicited, that Aruba tourism was unhurt and that he
was as busy as ever. When he later got into more detail, I asked if he worked
for the tourism ministry, and that was the last I heard from him.
Later, Aruba responded to every point made by Fred
Taub while on Your World with Neil Cavuto on the Fox News Channel. The fact is,
Aruba pays close attention to the boycott inspired by the disappearance of
Natallee Holloway, and especially what Boycott Watch reports in this case. The
reaction of Hans Mos immediately dismissing Greta's report before he even knew
the content of the interview, and the facial expression of Hans Mos said it all
- Aruba wants to keep the Natalee Holloway case out of the news. Period. End of
Aruba is sure to be unhappy reading this
report, especially where we predict the result of the current news, and they
will read it. Aruba fears the reports of Boycott Watch because we reveal the
truth that Hans Mos gave away once again - Aruba does not want this case in the
news, and they certainly do not want Boycott Watch revealing their cover-up,
and especially when we report about the incompetence of their law enforcement
system, as typified when we
wrote about how Aruba
left a thirty foot ladder in their jail recently, allowing double murderer to
easily escape.
Aruba does not want you to know the
This year, the tourism packages to
Aruba have already been sold, and were sold long before the collapse of the
housing market, so the people who purchased vacations to Aruba will still go
this winter. However, some people will be spending less money while in Aruba
because of general economic fears, something Aruba can not afford. The main
people to be affected in Aruba are the taxi drivers, restaurant owners and
their employees. People looking for Carlos & Charlie's, the bar Natelee
Holloway was last seen in, will have a difficult time, as the owners changed
the name to Senior Frog's because the bar developed a bad reputation
world-wide. There were some cosmetic changes, but it is still essentially the
same club. The local "pimps," the young men who look to pick up single American
teenagers and college students to have a night of fun with zero responsibility,
are reportedly still on the prowl, thus still leaving American students in
Aruba's big fear now is Spring Break sales,
and this is the season for selling those packages. If this case remains in the
news, Aruba will be hurt in one of its two most important tourism seasons.
Meanwhile, Joran Van Der Sloot's father's home was heavily vandalized after the
first confession, because Arubans were unhappy about why they lost money. The
new report on Fox reveals that Van Der Sloot's father knew about what Joran
claimed and may have been involved in a cover-up despite being a sworn officer
of the court, thus is now an accomplice after the fact.
The reaction of Hans Mos to Greta van Susteren said
it all. Aruba fears losing Spring Break vacation sales if the story remains in
the news and Boycott Watch will be monitoring Aruba closely.
Challenge to Aruba: We all know you read
these reports. I openly challenge you meet me in person, with government and
central bank officials, to answer questions consumers have regarding safety of
tourists in Aruba. Let us watch your police department and courts in action.
Let us see how you handle public safety. You claim Aruba is safe - we say
contact us and prove it. |
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