Boycott Watch
April 6, 2003
Der Spiegel Corrects Article after Boycott Demand
To Correct Erroneous Reporting
Summary: An article in German news publication Der Spiegel wrongly reports Boycott as advocating the French products boycott.
Click Here to read the original Boycott Watch letter to Der Spiegel
    German News publication Der Spiegel and its Internet publication Spiegel Online have corrected an April 2, 2003 article that referred to Boycott Watch as posting a checklist of French companies to boycott. The article thereby called Boycott Watch a partisan in a boycott, something Boycott Watch would never do.

    The correction came after a Boycott Watch complaint was sent to Spiegel Online regarding their article on a boycott of French products in the US generated hundreds of hate emails from angry Germans.

    Boycott Watch looks at boycott calls and posts both sides of the story on its web site, so consumers can decide for themselves what the truth is. As a neutral observer, Boycott Watch seeks information from both sides of the story, and often speaks to corporate executives to get their perspective and to get to the truth behind a boycott story. In many cases, Boycott Watch debunks false boycotts and urban legend.

    The corrected version of the Spiegel Online added a sentence to the article that roughly translates to: " goes according to their own information to represent both sides of such boycott calls as an independent observer and to allow the consumer to decide independently."

    The Boycott watch report mentioned in the Spiegel Online article is linked to by people on both sides of the French products boycott, thus giving the boycotters and the anti-boycotters information they were looking for. The list was compiled from Internet reports, confirms corporate ownership claim and in some cases corrects information.

    Boycott Watch points out that a language barrier may have contributed to the problem, and thanks its readers, some of whom told us they would write Spiegel Online as well.

    Boycott Watch also thanks Spiegel Online for posting the correction.
Click Here to return to the list of French products and companies being boycotted

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