The following was our original
report, and you, our readers, proved it true.
Click Here to
read our follow-up article.
The French products
boycott has been circulating for a long time, and a new element recently added
to it has raised some questions. The new email shows pictures of D-Day
cemeteries in France, lists French products and companies to boycott, and
contains a new claim as follows:
"Lastly, a French compay was awarded a $700 million plus
contract to operate the 55 mess halls of our US Marine facilities. Call your
congressman and ask that this be rescinded regardless of the cost. This is an
absolute insult to our Marines."
Boycott Watch has attempted to verify if this
information is correct, but has been unable to. As a result, Boycott Watch has
some serious questions about it. First, we checked the Congressional web site,
and found no bills regarding mess halls.
Second, no
specific contract is mentioned in the email. One would think that if the writer
was familiar with such a contract, familiar enough to write about it, there
would have been a contract/project name or number presented in the email, as
such identification exists with all government contracts and is needed for
Congress to take action, as the writer requests. There are thousands of
contracts and purchases being negotiated at any one time, so without knowing
the name or some other specific information about the contract mentioned, there
is no way to figure out which contract is being referred to.
Third, there is also no mention of where
geographically the mess halls are to figure out what is being discussed.
Fourth, if the mess halls mentioned are on US bases, US Citizens living near
the bases are most likely operating the mess halls. If these mess halls are in
oversees bases, there may not be American companies available to fulfill the
contracts. There are many questions to ask before we can make a determination
as to if the claim is legitimate and why. If the mess hall claim is true, what
is the name of the company that was awarded the contract and what is the
contract number?
In essence, there is not enough
information presented for anyone, especially Congress, to act upon this.
Without more information this just can't be looked into. Whoever originated
this email, therefore, may have made the claim up. If the author had more
information, why wasn't it included? There is significantly more information in
the email about other factors, so why is there so little about the mess hall
charge which is the focus of the email? Boycott Watch suspects the mess hall
contract was created just to get people riled up. Boycott Watch is calling the
mess hall story suspect and most probably false information until it can be
proved otherwise. If you have more information, please forward it to us. |
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