Boycott Watch recently reported
about gay groups
boycotting advertisers because ads were pulled from gay publications,
possibly with the attitude that somehow the ads are owed to their publications
forever once placed, and how religious groups are turning up the pressure
against the advertisers placing ads in gay publications.
Nationally syndicated columnist
Debbie Schlussel reports a
different complaint by gay groups, this one against ad contents, specifically
the Chrysler ads featuring a fairy that zaps everything in sight to make it
better, but is unable to improve the car, implying the car is already perfect.
Apparently, gay groups are taking offense at the fairy because in their eyes,
the term 'fairy' is only derogatory term toward them, thus not acceptable even
in its historic context - the tooth fairy is not gay.
Shlussel summed it up best: "This raises these questions: Are all fairies
gay? Even though the word is often used as a derogatory term for gays, probably
not. If so, someone ought to tell Disney and children's authors, so they can
censor them out of kids movies and books."
Watch was quoted in the April 2006 edition of
Council magazine in an article by David Hechler edition on this same topic
stating that boycotts emanating from corporate ads in gay publications are a
hot button issue. Religious groups such as the American Family Association are
working to counter the gay boycotts and vice versa, thus a heated battle is
In the mean time, the
American Family Association has ended its
boycott of Disney saying "Disney seemed to become more cognizant of how it
had hurt its family-friendly image among many Christians." AFA believes it has
made its point regarding the Disney boycott and is pleased that Disney has made
strides toward once again becoming family-friendly.
Who will win? Only time will tell, but religious
organizations have a stronger history of winning when their side takes a
family-oriented stance, such as when
Wal-Mart caved within
24 hours to demands of the Catholic League over not saying Merry Christmas
compounded by a Wal-Mart Customer Service Representative insulting Christmas
itself. |
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