Boycott Watch recently reported that
the website is
a scam because there was no way to tell who the site sponsors are because there
was no 'about' page or any other information about the site sponsors or
contacts. As such, the seemingly pro-Israel site could have been sponsored by
any organization, even Hamas. Boycott Watch has stated in several reports that
people should not participate in any Internet or website activity if they do
not know who the sponsors are because just like an unsigned check, an unsigned
website or email is worthless.
Our report created a
major stir in Israel and among Israel supporters around the world who liked
what the site offered. Although Boycott Watch was unable to make any initial
contacts to organizers because the site originally had no
available contact information, Boycott Watch was contacted by Israeli officials
and the heads of Jewish organizations supporting the project, including Amir
Gissin, the director of the Public Affairs Division at the Israeli Foreign
Ministry to inform us that the site is in fact legitimate.
At the urging of Boycott Watch, now has
an 'about' page posted that contains contact and sponsorship information that
we were able to confirm as legitimate. The site also modified its User License
Agreement to clarify that it is anti-spam, also at the urging of Boycott Watch.
As such, Boycott Watch retracts our scam alert, as we now know for a fact the
site is legitimate. Boycott Watch applauds the creators and sponsors of the website for
correcting the website design error, and we now believe the lack of a contact
page was just an oversight. We at Boycott Watch understand the power of a false
email or report, and we urge people who have read and passed along our original
report to pass along this one as well to correct the good name and intent of
the www.giyus.orgwebsite.
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