Boycott Watch receives many emails,
and decided to respond to this one publicly because it typified and covered all
the points made by other people on this topic, and all in one concise email. We
responded in kind.
Readers email:
comment about The Great American Boycott is that a lot of people just don`t get
it.Or simply they don`t want to understand.This Boycott,is not intended to hurt
the american economy or to grant illegal immigrants amnesty.The reason of this
boycott is to show how much the americans people need the cotribution that
these immigrants bring to this country and also to stop discrimination against
all Latinos in general...By the way,I am an american sitizen. I was born in
Puerto Rico.And I feel the discriminetion toward my person many times
averydays.Just,for the fact that I look Hispanic..Since 1938 every person born
in Puerto Rico is an american citizen.I dearly love this country.To the extream
that I will Die defending it.My father as well as three uncles went to Korea to
fight for this country,and I will do the same if I have to.But This Abuse Have
To Stop.
Miguel Rodriguez Woodbridge, VA
Watch reply:
Mr. Rodriguez,
boycotts are not waged out of love for the boycott target. Second, You stated
"..people need the cotribution that these immigrants." We are not talking about
immigrants. Immigration is a process defined by law, and the issue is about
people who acted outside the law. Third, it is not a mater of discrimination.
Law breakers do not get special privileges. Fourth, and the point of the
article, this boycott is only going to hurt the very people who they intend to
help. Boycott Watch was the first to say it, and
article explains the facts.
Fred Taub President, Boycott
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