Middle East Scholar Pipes Gets
Smoked By False Accusations.
By Adam Kaplan Washington D.C.
Correspondent Boycott Watch
Dr. Daniel Pipes (www.danielpipes.org),
head of the Middle East Forum, was nominated by President Bush to serve on the
U.S. Institute of Peace (http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2003/04/20030401-1.html)
on April 4. As the information below will tell you, what has happened since the
nomination is that Pipes has been unfairly discredited and made to appear as an
intolerant bigot by organizations such as the Council on American-Islamic
Relations (CAIR), MPAC (Muslim Public Affairs Council), Arab American Institute
(AAI), and Muslim American Society Freedom Foundation (MAS). This is despite
Pipes' years of publications which distinguish, as President Bush and most
Americans agree, the differences between moderate Muslims and militant,
fundamentalist Islamists. Pipes has received letters of endorsements from the
ZOA, ADL, American Jewish Committee, Pakistan Today, American Mideast
Associations (comprised of Muslim moderates, Christians or expats from Iran,
Syria, etc.), and a plethora of academics. The letters can be viewed at (www.supportingdanielpipes.org).
the Senate Health/Education/Labor/Pensions committee nomination vote for Pipes
on Wed. 7/23, Sen. Ted Kennedy came out and based his whole anti-Pipes argument
on a quote that Pipes wrote in 1990. According to Kennedy (reading straight
from CAIR's talking points), Pipes said that "Western European societies are
unprepared for the massive immigration of brown-skinned peoples cooking strange
foods and maintaining different standards of hygiene
Review "The Muslims are coming! The Muslims are Coming."
However, if you go back and read this article, the
quote is taken out of context. Pipes, in a tongue and cheek manner, is
referring to intolerance of Western Europeans towards immigrants, particularly
the Turks. In fact, Pipes portrays an optimistic view of Muslim integration to
European society, providing that the immigrants practice a moderate,
non-militant form of the religion. "If handled properly, the immigrants can
even bring much of value, including new energy to their best societies
they modernize, Muslims have a good chance to become literate, affluent, and
politically stable" write Pipes.
What this means that
the primary argument of the committee's ranking member is based on propaganda
formulated by CAIR and poorly researched by Kennedy's staff. Senators Harkin,
Dodd, and Jeffords went along to brand Pipes as a "highly controversial
individual who is not qualified for this position."
"When [Pipes] talks about Muslims being funny
looking, maintaining different standards of hygiene
I don't know why we
are even considering this person, Mr. Chairman," said Sen. Harkin.
The other Democratic Senators present, Sen. Clinton,
Murray, and Reed (RI), remained silent while one Republican, Sen. John Ensign
(NV) spoke out in favor of Pipes. All of the other Republicans besides Chairman
Judd Gregg (NH) left the meeting, making a vote on the Pipes nomination
impossible due to there not being a quorum present. Also of note is that Sen.
John Warner (VA) said after hearing Harkin's pathos-filled speech about how his
mother was an immigrant and 'looked and dressed funny too', (which by the way
was based on the misquote from National Review), he would look further into his
decision on Pipes. Sen. Gregg then adjourned the meeting and postponed the
Pipes nomination until after the recess once members had a chance to "talk to
each other."
It is clear that the opposition's smear
campaign against Pipes is continuing. Yesterday CAIR issued a press release
which claims that Pipes in a July 25th speech to a young conservative group
compared all Islamic people to Nazis (http://www.cair-net.org/asp/article.asp?id=149&page=AA).
This too was a lie. The article that CAIR opportunistically used was based on
an article from Cybercast News Service which covered the Pipes 7/25 speech.
After I had a conversation with CNS Executive Editor Scott Hogenson who was in
the process of issuing a retraction to the article that was so
opportunistically used by CAIR, CNS news put out this:
Another one of the alleged Pipes "quotes" which Sens.
Kennedy/Harkin were so appalled by had the nominee saying "The Palestinians are
a miserable people
and deserve to be" to an audience at Lewis and Clark
College in Oregon. An article by Ira Stoll from the April 14th New York Sun
refutes this allegation profusely.(article can be found on
Basically, CAIR/AAI/AADC, etc. ran a campaign of lies
and distortions to defame Dr. Pipes. After the hearing, they had an impromptu
press conference in the hall of the Dirksen building, where opposition leaders
such as Nihad Awad (exec. Dir. Of CAIR), Jean Abi-Nader (Arab American
Institute), Mahdi Bray (Muslim American Society Freedom Foundation), and Mary
Rose Oaker (AADC) gloated to Al-Jazeera reporters that they considered the
postponement a major victory. "The American Muslim and Arab communities will
remember who voted which way on Pipes for a long time to come. We are very
pleased with the outcome of today's hearing, but the fight is not over," said
MPAC spokeswoman Sarah Eltantawi.
Related Articles:
Frank Gaffney-Great Article supporting Pipes http://www.cnsnews.com/ForeignBureaus/archive/200307/FOR20030729f.html
"U.S. Senate postponse vote on controversial Mideast scholar" http://www.jta.org/page_view_story.asp?intarticleid=13036&intcategoryid=3
"Kennedy, Dodd, Harkin speak out against controversial USIP nominee"
WorldNet Daily "Muslims try to quash Bush nominee" http://www.supportingdanielpipes.org/article/18
Support Daniel Pipes---includes all the letters of endorsement www.supportdanielpipes.org
Pipes' website www.danielpipes.org
CAIR www.cair-net.org |
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