A report on the Fox News program
"On The Record with Greta Van Susteren" Tuesday, September 01, 2009 proved that
the Boycott Watch analysis and prediction of the Whole Foods boycott was 100%
accurate, proving once again that Boycott Watch President Fred Taub is the
leading authority when it comes to consumer advocacy, consumer reactions and
especially boycotts.
It all started when Whole Foods
co-founder and CEO John Mackey's Op-Ed titled "The While Foods Alternative to
ObamaCare" appeared in The Wall Street Journal August 12, 2009. Boycott Watch
said all along that the boycott against Whole Foods was about silencing free
speech and that the boycott, being political in nature, was a failure and would
bring new customers to the stores in the long run. Fred Taub was right. As
predicted, the boycott had the opposite of the intended affect - people who
would otherwise not shop in that store did so in support of John Mackey and his
right to free speech.
(See our original
In that Fox News report, Dana Loesch, of
the St. Louis Tea Party Coalition spoke about how her efforts to counter the
boycott filled a Whole Foods stores with new customers. Meanwhile, there was
one Mackey-inspired boycotting protester at the store. As reported by Boycott
Watch, the numbers of boycotters, averaging 115 per store, is meaningless when
it comes to their bottom line. Steve Moore of the Wall Street Journal Editorial
also appeared on the show said the boycott would ultimately help sales at Whole
Foods and that sales figures and stock prices indicate zero affect for the
boycott. This confirms Fred Taub's prediction about the boycott.
BW was also right in saying Whole Foods was wrong to
apologize, which was also proven in this case. By making unilateral concessions
to the boycotters with no agreement in return, the boycotters continue their
boycott with no end in sight.
At this point, this
Whole Foods boycott is failing. After a major push by political progressives,
the boycott effort grew by about one percent to 32,000, which is rather
embarrassing considering all the media attention it received. That's 119
boycotters per store, an increase of four boycotters per Whole Foods store over
the past four days. Meanwhile, the Tea Party "buycotters" brought about thee
hundred new customers to a single store in one shot, and they are on a national
tour, traveling city to city in a motor coach on a tour that will end in
Washington, D.C. The boycotters clearly lost the momentum and the Tea Party
supporters are now driving an effort to support Mr. Mackey and his right to
free speech. |
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