Joran Van Der Sloot has made three confessions of guilt
in the Natalle Holloway case, yet Aruba does not care. The first confession was
videotaped in a car, the second was on Fox News to Greta Van Susteren, and the
third came February 22, 2010 to German television. All three have one thing in
common - Aruba still does not care.
We know Joran Van Der Sloot was the last person to see
Natalee Holloway alive, he has said so and then told different stories as to
what happened next. Let's look at the basic facts. If someone were to confess
to a murder despite having an air-tight alibi, say being in two completely
different states at the time of the murder, investigators would still examine
if the method of death would have worked anyhow, such as a remote control
device. In other words, all confessions of murder are takes seriously. If
someone claimed to have disposed of a body improperly after death by natural
causes, there would still be an investigation and probably charges of improper
handling or abuse or a corps.
Why then would Aruba completely dismiss the confessions of
Joran Van Der Sloot, especially after his now deceased father was jailed and
questions for several days to determine complicacy in the case? If Joran Van
Der Sloot was cleared in the case, which he has not been, then Aruba should say
so. The fact is Joran Van Der Sloot is the lone suspect in the case of the
disappearance of Natalee Holloway and Joran Van Der Sloot has made three
separate confessions in the case.
By outright dismissing the third confession without any
scrutiny whatsoever, Aruba is demonstrating they are completely ignoring the
case despite claims the case is open. So why is Aruba ignoring the confessions?
It appears to be national policy. After Boycott Watch criticized Aruba for
closing the case, they suddenly claimed to have
reopened it, a topic I addressed on Your World with Neil Cavuto on the Fox
News Channel.
The case was officially reopened only in response to the
Aruba boycott as to appease Americans who were fed up with zero progress in the
case, yet American saw right through it. American tourism to Aruba is still
down. As a result, one hotel missed payroll and the Aruban Resort which as a
casino was forced to close, reopening two months later with a new owner and
state-backed financing. Meanwhile, a Ritz-Carlton project has had major
challenges. On the bright side for Aruba, on February 18, 2010,
reported "The cruise ship Carnival Miracle will be visiting Aruba and
Curaçao fifteen instead of eleven times this year" but cruise ship
visits not yet back to previous levels. Even still, our readers have reported
some cruise ship passengers have elected not to go ashore in Aruba.
While Americas do not speak about the Aruba boycott much,
they are also not going there as much as in the past either. The U.S. State
Department still has travel warnings about Aruba, and a recent news
report about Aruba has one government official saying he does not care about
drug trafficking
as long as
they can get the drug money. Another report states how "Aruba is
currently failing on thirteen of the sixteen main criteria" to combat
money laundering which can be used for terrorists. While a law has just been
passed to combat this, where has Aruba been since September 11, 2001 and when
will the measures finally take affect?
Spring Break is quickly approaching. College students like
Aruba and similar islands where drugs are easy to get. Aruba has the added
Spring Break advantage of police who tend to look the other way and if you are
arrested, it will never appear in any American legal records. Aruba will accept
payment of fines and let people go because they just want the money.
The fact is that Aruba is not safe. Drugs are easily
available there since it is a transshipment point, and the money laundered
profits of those drug sales may be used to fund terrorism against the United
States. Although it is too late for Natalee Holloway, Aruba needs to get its
act together. In the mean time, Aruba is not a nation we should consider as our
friend. The United States has one avenue to press Aruba to seriously take
action in this case. If Aruba will not investigate the confession of Joran Van
Der Sloot, we need to recall our highest ranking official to Aruba until they
do. Until the U.S. sends the message that we take the safety of our visiting
citizens seriously, Americans will not be safe there or anywhere else.
The United States needs to finally take a strong stance to
protect Americans abroad. Boycott Watch President Fred Taub is sending a letter
to President Obama asking for the recall of
Timothy J. Dunn, Chief of
Mission, Netherlands Antilles and Aruba. |
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