The difficulty with writing
articles about the status of the case of Nazi John "Ivan the Terrible"
Demjanjuk is that by the time an article is published, it very well may be
outdated because of all the appeals filed on his behalf. The fact is that Nazi
Demjanjuk has spent about double the years in court filing appeals than most
convicted murderers spend on death row. Now, we find out that Demjanjuk lied
again as he cried wolf, this time with false claims about his health.
I am not against the pursuit of justice. To the
contrary - I want justice to be served, preferably with a court conviction for
his murderous escapades as a sadistic Nazi death camp guard. Nazi Demjanjuk
earned his Ivan the Terrible nickname from the people who watched him take joy
in murdering their children, parents and friends by operating a diesel engine
to pump engine fumes into rooms packed with Jews. In fact, Nazi Demjanjuk took
so much joy in murdering Jews that he was promoted to do the same job in
Treblinka, the Nazi death camp built specifically to murder children - yes, it
takes a special brand of evil to murder children and Nazi Demjanjuk is that
evil incarnate.
Nazi Demjanjuk is no stranger to
lies. His defense in court has been mistaken identity which was proven false in
U.S. and Israeli courts. In his recent deportation to Germany which has been
continually blocked with appeals, the Demjanjuk family has claimed their
patriarch cannot be deported because of health reason, as he has been
wheelchair bound and in pain for years. A video from April 6, 2009 was released
by a Cleveland television station April 24th which shows
Nazi Demjanjuk walking on his own, completely unassisted.
The video clearly proves Nazi Demjanjuk was able to move just fine when his
lawyers claimed he cannot be moved for health reasons.
For this reason, all court motions for a stay in the
deportation of Nazi Demjanjuk should be immediately revoked and Nazi Demjanjuk
should be immediately deported. An investigation is needed to determine if Nazi
Demjanjuk's doctors and lawyers openly and knowingly lied to the U.S. federal
courts, which is a felony. We clearly know Nazi Demjanjuk's family lied
regarding his health so a perjury investigation is needed there as well.
Nationally, Nazi Demjanjuk is known as Ivan the
Terrible, but in the Cleveland media, where he lives, Nazi Demjanjuk is
referred to as "accused" and "retired auto worker." In an article in the
Cleveland Plain Dealer dated Thursday, April 16, 2009, the concern was over the
possible $30,000 bill taxpayers will have to pick up for the rescheduling of a
private Gulfstream IV luxury jet to deport Nazi Demjanjuk to Germany because
the flight was cancelled after yet another last minute appeal. In all the
thirty plus years Nazi Demjanjuk has been in court, however, the Plain Dealer
never said one word about the cost to taxpayers for every appeal, and Nazi
Demjanjuk appealed everything.
Nazi Demjanjuk has
been a media darling in Cleveland, but not anywhere else, so I have to wonder
why the Cleveland media needed almost three weeks to release the video showing
Nazi Demjanjuk walking on his own. The Demjanjuk family and their spokespeople
are regulars in the Cleveland media, but rarely do they have on an expert from
the Jewish community; in this case I would be that person since I have been
running the protests, have been speaking about the case and writing countless
articles. While I do appear in the national media from time to time, the reason
I am not on national programs for this case is simple - there are no debates
for me to take part in because as stated, nationally, Demjanjuk is known as a
Nazi and there is no debate. The Cleveland media, however, rarely airs a point
of view contrary to the family of Nazi Demjanjuk.
I stated, I have no problems with appeals, but what we are seeing is abuse of
appeals to the point where the totality of court filings has itself become the
basis for other appeals, and now we have false filings by Demjanjuk's lawyers
with the health claims. The Department of Justice agrees with my conclusion
about delays, and as a result, Monday April 20, 2009, the DOJ filed a motion
asking the U.S. courts to drop all stay requests, stating those filings are
just delay tactics. Now, the DOJ has to make a new filing based on the new
video showing Nazi Demjanjuk walking just fine despite the false claims, and
that his family, lawyers and doctors may all conspired in obstruction of
justice with their delay tactics. The video clearly negates the most current
claim by the Demjanjuk family are that their Nazi patriarch has back pain and
other ailments which should prevent him from being deported; they also
requested a complete reopening of the case, yet again.
Nazi Demjanjuk has outdone the tale of the Little
Boy Who Cried Wolf to the point where nobody in the world should believe any of
his delay tactics anymore, not that they ever should have. Nazi Demjanjuk has
been identified in U.S. and Israeli courts as the evil sadistic Nazi death camp
guard who earned the title "Ivan the Terrible", not "Ivan the Fluffy Bunny" as
he wants you to believe. While the Nazi's family claims he was acquitted in
Israel, nothing could be further from the truth. Nazi Demjanjuk was released
from Israel after his conviction over a legal technicality in his sentencing,
but the conviction was never overturned. (See:
Call Him Ivan the
So, when you hear claims by the Nazi
and his family that he is innocent and too frail to travel to stand trial, just
ask yourself one question - did Nazi Demjanjuk give any such consideration to
his victims? The answer can be found in his action - Nazi Demjanjuk took so
much joy in murdering Jews that he was promoted to Treblinka because he was so
sadistic; he was the perfect animal to murder children, which Treblika was
specifically designed and built for. Pure evil on earth, which Nazi Demjanjuk
is, deserves no special consideration, no matter how many times he cries wolf.
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